I became a member of the team of this project, aimed to the realization of the customer web portal, when it was about 70% of the development on WordPress, dedicating mainly to the part relating to the search engine that makes use of the db NoSQL Elasticsearch and his integration within the platform.
After kick-off, which took place in early July 2015, I started to develop a plugin for integration of a piece of data from the ERP in use by the customer, which interfaces to some REST webservice for data access. The updates could be planned in the plugin settings panel, using cron functions.
The plugin, developed using MVC, uses strategy pattern for loading the various entities of data.
From an architectural point of view, in addition to the aforementioned WordPress and Elasticsearch, it used the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) with memcache, in a cloud environment with load balancers and autoscaling of web machines.